In this weeks edition of The Real Estate Life we chat with Anne Fidler, Licensed Real Estate Agent at Belle Property Wilston. Anne’s energy and enthusiasm, combined with her wealth of knowledge, result in her achieving strong clearance rates and outstanding results. Anne’s hardworking attitude shines throughout the interview and it’s not hard to see why she was the deserving recipient of the 2017 REIQ Salesperson of the Year.

Where To Connect
Mobile: 0412 158 299
I started by asking Anne what the last book that she read…….
I am currently reading Your Magic Powers of Persuasion by Vernon Howard. It has some great advice on how to handle situations and people so that everyone gets a positive outcome.
What does your typical day look like?
I am up around 5am most days to exercise or work out with my personal trainer. Normally at home I spend 40 minutes quiet time reading and checking social media. I try to make my days structured, with calls in the morning and appointments in the afternoon– but this is real estate and you have to be flexible to fit in with people.
What’s your favourite real estate agent joke?
I love the Lighter Side of Real Estate on Facebook – they have some great memes. Other than that I am really bad at remembering jokes. My tradies always have a few good stories and laughs for me though.
What is the biggest challenge that you face each day at work?
Finding enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want to. Thankfully, I have an amazing Executive Assistant who helps me to stay organised; she takes on all the daily tasks, so I can focus on my sellers and buyers.
If you had the ability to fix one thing in the industry, what would it be?
I think the industry overall is very strong with regards to our integrity and moral standards. Bodies, such as REIQ, have made a huge impact over the last 10 years and things are at the highest standard they have been for some time. I would however, love to see all real estate agents work together to bring about the best deals for our clients with on-line and off-line marketing.
In your experience, what is the main reason for sale contracts falling through?
Building and Pest inspections can be tricky with some properties – I always suggest my sellers get a report up front, that way if anything glaring stands out we can do something about it.
When you walk into a home for the first time, what makes you relax and think that the sale will be an easy one?
I love walking into a home for the first time and getting a sense for what it has to offer potential buyers. Once I get a feeling for that, then you know what buyer profile you need to target, which makes the sales process so much easier and hopefully relaxing for the seller!
A lot of people will Google a person, or a service, prior to hiring them. How has this easy access to information and digital screening changed your process?
I have a business Facebook page, LinkedIn and Instagram – all of these certainly help people see that you are active in the market place. I try to ensure I am posting relevant information for the community as well as real estate news.
Do you think that social media has potential in advertising property sales?
I regularly boost my listings on Facebook and add them to LinkedIn and Instagram. I think it is really important to leave no stone unturned and social media is the new stone!
What gets you excited?
Helping people achieve their goals and dreams. Last month I was very humbled to win the REIQ Salesperson of the Year 2017, which is all about service and what you give back. That lets me know I am doing the best job that I can. There is nothing else I would want to do, I love my job.
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