July 2024

Home Staging Logistics: In-House or Contractor

By |2024-07-22T09:14:15+10:00July 22nd, 2024|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest|

Home Staging Logistics: In-House or Contractor Deciding between in-house teams and external contractors is a big decision for home staging businesses. Let's dive into the key factors to consider, including financial implications, benefits, challenges, and long-term growth. By understanding these elements, businesses can make informed choices that align with their goals and boost their performance in the competitive home staging industry. Financial Considerations First up, money matters. Figuring out the financial side of things is crucial when deciding between in-house teams and external contractors. An in-house team requires upfront investments like buying trucks, hiring [...]

Key Metrics for a Successful Home Staging Business

By |2024-07-16T12:53:40+10:00July 16th, 2024|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest|

Key Metrics for a Successful Home Staging Business 12 Essential Metrics for Optimising Your Home Staging Business. Understanding business metrics is key to keeping any company on the right track. At Foxy Home Staging, we make sure to keep an eye on a range of metrics to ensure everything is running smoothly and we're hitting our goals. This article is here to help fellow home staging business owners get a handle on the back end of their business. And while some methods might differ based on how your business is set up, we've covered the main points to guide [...]

Identifying Different Interior Design Styles

By |2024-07-08T10:39:07+10:00July 8th, 2024|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest|

Learn How to Identify Different Style Aesthetics Ever wondered about the different types of interior design styles? Maybe you're thinking about switching things up but can't quite decide which direction to go. Don’t stress—there’s a style for every taste, and we’re here to help you find the one that fits you like a glove. Whether you’re a design aficionado or just starting out, understanding what sets styles like contemporary from the Mediterranean can be a bit tricky. That's why we've put together the ultimate guide to break down the different interior design styles. We're in a fortunate position to [...]

June 2024

The Top 5 Challenges Australian Home Stagers Face (And How We’re Handling Them)

By |2024-06-18T09:27:09+10:00June 18th, 2024|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest|

The Top 5 Challenges Australian Home Stagers Face (And How We’re Handling Them) Transforming properties into stunning spaces is a dream job, but it comes with its fair share of hurdles. Today, we're diving into the top five challenges we face as Australian home stagers and sharing our two cents on handling them. Let us know if we missed any major challenges in the comments.  1. Staffing: The Never-Ending Puzzle Finding and keeping the right team is probably the biggest and most constant challenge. You never really "solve" the staffing problem; it's a dynamic, [...]

Home Staging and Real Estate: Timelines for Success

By |2024-06-05T13:39:08+10:00June 5th, 2024|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Life in Real Estate, Selling Your Home, The Real Estate Life|

In the world of real estate, first impressions matter. That's why property styling has become an essential tool to attract buyers and elevate the value of homes on the market. However, the timing involved in preparing a property for sale is more intricate than meets the eye. So, in this blog, I want to shed light on the behind the scenes timing factors in the home staging industry. Whether you’re a fellow home stager, real estate agent or home seller, I hope this gives you an understanding of our timing, especially as we head into our busy period. From [...]

October 2023

The K.I.S.S Method in Property Styling

By |2023-10-24T09:58:57+10:00October 24th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging|

Today I want to take a look at a method we use a lot while staging a property for sale: the K.I.S.S method. I’m sure you all know the saying ‘Keep It Simple Stupid’ and at Foxy we use this to guide a lot of our staging choices. Property styling is about making a property appeal to a wide range of potential buyers, and the way we do this is by selecting furniture and accessories to add visual interest and complement a property’s features. But it’s important to note that there is a fine line between visual interest and [...]

8 Reasons We Need a Home Staging Conference

By |2023-10-17T12:54:08+10:00October 17th, 2023|Business of Staging, Life in Real Estate, The Real Estate Life|

With the announcement of the Australian Home Staging Conference , I thought I would go through why we think we, as an industry, need a home staging conference. We’ll look at the benefits of creating a community and sharing knowledge. As well as the importance of educating and expanding opportunities for professionals in the industry. So let’s get into it! 8 Reasons We Need a Home Staging Conference Growing Industry Currently, Australia’s real estate market is thriving, with a consistently high demand for properties. And with more people investing in real [...]

8 Home Staging Myths: Busted

By |2023-10-05T11:01:21+10:00October 5th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Owner Occupied Home Staging, Vacant Home Staging|

Today we’re going to bust some common home staging myths! Whether you're a homeowner looking to sell or just curious about the world of real estate, we're here to set the record straight and reveal the truths behind these misconceptions. 8 Home Staging Myths: Busted 1. Home staging is only for high-end properties High-end properties often come with the expectation they will be styled, but this doesn't mean staging is exclusive to them! In fact, we frequently witness the most substantial return on investment (ROI) in smaller properties. Take for [...]

September 2023

Foxy Stylist Spotlight | Meet Kaitlyn

By |2023-09-27T14:21:37+10:00September 27th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging|

Hey there! Welcome to another instalment of the Foxy Stylist Spotlight. Today we’re getting up close and personal (not too personal, don’t worry!) with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is a bright and hilarious stylist here at Foxy headquarters, and she’s our resident English expat. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about property (thanks to her background in real estate), which makes her a winner with all of her clients. Kaitlyn’s also quite the storyteller, and often has the stylist room in stitches with reenactments from her day-to-day life. So Kaitlyn and I had a lovely, and very entertaining chat about her time here at [...]

Foxy Year in Review: Challenges, Successes and Goals for Next Year

By |2023-09-13T11:31:16+10:00September 13th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Life in Real Estate|

As we reminisce on the journey we've had this past financial year (sorry, we know we’re a little tardy!), let’s dive into some of the challenges Jake and Phoebe faced, the moments that left them utterly impressed and what they’re focusing on for the next 12 months. Join me as we reflect on the Foxy Year in Review! Foxy Year in Review Jake and Phoebe talk through the numbers in the below Foxy TV (and I've put them in a little infographic below too!), so for this article let’s focus on the challenges, the wins and the [...]

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