Our Unconventional Business Mentor
When you hear the word ‘Mentorship’, I would imagine most people think of the traditional, one-on-one guidance, provided by a more experienced person.
I am here to show you a different, more unconventional way of receiving mentorship. I have been doing this for the last decade and the influence it has had on my personal, as well as my business growth, has been phenomenal.
This type of mentorship is completely free, and you can do it concurrently with your everyday activities, like driving a car, washing the dishes, or in my case – assembling furniture in the warehouse.
If you have not guessed it by now, I will tell you.
Podcasts are digital audio files available for download straight to your phone.
I have been listening to them ever since I started using public transport to get to my accounting job. The topic of ‘Business’ has captivated my interest long before Phoebe and I even had the idea to start Foxy Home Staging, which may be the reason why the first podcast I remember listening to is ‘Small Business Big Marketing’.
You may have come across this saying at some point.
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn
Who are these five people for you, personally? Are they where you want to be in life? Do they have a positive or a negative impact on your success?
If these questions made you squirm uncomfortably in your chair, it may be a sign that you need to take a hard look at your current association.
Changing your inner circle of peers sounds great in theory, but it is not always easy to execute in real life. Yes, you may start limiting toxic friendships, but where do you find the new, more experienced people willing to invest their time and energy into mentoring you, on a daily basis?
Once you find a podcast that resonates with you, stay consistent and listen to it daily. I guarantee you will start seeing changes soon. At first in your mindset, then behaviour and eventually results. Listen, Execute & Grow.
Meet Gary Vee
The man who has had the biggest impact on me and whose influence you can see all over the Foxy brand.
Who is Gary Vaynerchuk?
I will be honest. When I first came across Gary Vee’s videos a few years back, I didn’t like them, and I didn’t like him. I thought he was a bit ‘over the top’, almost arrogant.
But then as I kept listening, I have realised this “arrogance” actually stems from speaking openly and honestly. He never insisted on being right, he simply shared what worked and didn’t work for him with an incredible level of transparency.
After years of listening to The Gary Vee Audio Experience, I have (consciously or subconsciously) picked up the values I respected and implemented some of the ideas I got inspired by.
A great example of this is the Marketing Strategy we carried across to our brand Document, Don’t Create.
So far, it has worked tremendously. In only three years, we have become one of the biggest Home Staging businesses in South East Queensland and have built a brand that identifies us as leaders in the industry.

“If you’re going to put out content, why wouldn’t you put it out in as many formats as you can?” – Gary Vee
It was this advice that was the catalyst for starting my own podcast.
Foxy Property Chat Podcast
People’s learning preferences are incredibly diverse. Therefore, I have decided to create an alternative for those who do not like watching long videos or reading articles…. Audio files.
The decision to start Foxy Property Chat Podcast was reinforced by another one of my “podcast mentors”, Tim Ferris, who is known for his ‘What’s the worst thing that can happen?’ approach.
In my case, the worst thing that can happen with this podcast is that no one listens to it and I wasted my time. Yet even if no one ever listened to a single episode, there is still a lot of value in it for me.
The value lays in interviewing other people. I not only get to have an insight into the interesting things these guys are doing in their business, I also get to create a vast international network of other successful staging business owners.
For me, this is a No Loss situation.
These are our three most listened to podcast episodes of all time.
I hope you enjoyed this read and I am already looking forward to the next week’s business blog! See you then!

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