October 2023

8 Home Staging Myths: Busted

By |2023-10-05T11:01:21+10:00October 5th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Owner Occupied Home Staging, Vacant Home Staging|

Today we’re going to bust some common home staging myths! Whether you're a homeowner looking to sell or just curious about the world of real estate, we're here to set the record straight and reveal the truths behind these misconceptions. 8 Home Staging Myths: Busted 1. Home staging is only for high-end properties High-end properties often come with the expectation they will be styled, but this doesn't mean staging is exclusive to them! In fact, we frequently witness the most substantial return on investment (ROI) in smaller properties. Take for [...]

September 2023

Foxy Stylist Spotlight | Meet Kaitlyn

By |2023-09-27T14:21:37+10:00September 27th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging|

Hey there! Welcome to another instalment of the Foxy Stylist Spotlight. Today we’re getting up close and personal (not too personal, don’t worry!) with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is a bright and hilarious stylist here at Foxy headquarters, and she’s our resident English expat. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about property (thanks to her background in real estate), which makes her a winner with all of her clients. Kaitlyn’s also quite the storyteller, and often has the stylist room in stitches with reenactments from her day-to-day life. So Kaitlyn and I had a lovely, and very entertaining chat about her time here at [...]

Home Staging: Appeal to a Broader Market

By |2023-09-05T12:49:14+10:00September 5th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Make Over, Vacant Home Staging|

Appeal to a Broader Market This week we’re going to look at how home staging and a touch of renovations can work wonders in helping your property appeal to a broader market. We’ll have a look at an example property, a 3-bedroom apartment right by the Brisbane River at Kangaroo Point. And we'll chat about some simple changes that can transform a property. Renovations 12 weeks ago we had a consultation with the owners of this property at Kangaroo Point. Phoebe noted that the carpets and older paint job significantly aged the property. [...]

August 2023

Seal the Deal: How to Discuss Home Staging

By |2023-08-22T10:15:53+10:00August 22nd, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Life in Real Estate, The Real Estate Life|

How to Discuss Home Staging If you're a fellow home stager, you know how crucial it is to nail those conversations with agents and vendors to land more jobs. So in this article, I'll dive into the nitty-gritty of how to discuss home staging with different clients. My goal here? To help you ace those talks! I'll cover what these conversations are all about and what we want to achieve. Plus, I'll spill the beans on some common objections clients throw at us, and how we carefully respond. Understanding Home Staging When [...]

Foxy Stylist Spotlight | Meet Hayley

By |2023-08-14T13:02:03+10:00August 14th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Colour Inspiration|

Welcome back to another Foxy Stylist Spotlight! The series that introduces you to our superstar stylists.  Stylist Spotlight: Meet Hayley! This week we’re getting to know Hayley, who’s been with Foxy nearly a year now. You’ll find her always smiling and laughing her way through the days. She’s another bubbly and hard working member of the stylist team and she's always got a snack to share (making her very popular with the guys in the logistics team!). So, let’s introduce you to Hayley! 1. How [...]

July 2023

Selecting Artwork: Stage a Captivating Home

By |2023-07-11T09:42:32+10:00July 11th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Colour Inspiration, Home Make Over, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips|

Selecting Artwork Today we’re delving into the process of selecting artwork for properties. At Foxy, we understand that artwork plays a pivotal role in home styling. Think of it as the icing that adds that extra layer of visual appeal to the already beautiful cake. In this blog, we'll dish out some insider tips and tricks that we use to choose the perfect artwork to elevate a space to new heights. Let's dig in! During the consultation process, the stylist takes numerous photos of each room. We examine these images alongside the floor [...]

May 2023

Key Rooms for Home Staging

By |2023-05-08T12:39:02+10:00May 8th, 2023|DIY, DIY Home Staging, Home Staging Tips, Selling Your Home, Uncategorized|

If you’re looking to stage your home yourself, you’ve come to the right place! There are certain rooms that are more valuable to focus your attention on. So in this article, I will explore the most important rooms to stage to sell your home. Starting with first impressions, which are integral to catch the attention of your potential buyers. Then moving on to the "hero shot”, a crucial element that is the most impactful and visually appealing photo of your home. Then discussing curb appeal, along with outdoor areas, and big cost rooms like the bathroom, kitchen, and living [...]

April 2023

Bigger and Brighter: How We Style Small and Dark Rooms

By |2023-04-18T13:05:18+10:00April 18th, 2023|Colour Inspiration, Home Staging Tips, Uncategorized|

Today we’re looking at tips and tricks that we use when staging to make a space appear bigger and brighter! We use similar methods to generate light and create space in small and dark rooms, so let’s dive in. Mirrors and Glass Top Surfaces This is the first simple way to brighten a space and make it appear bigger. The addition of a mirror (mirror) on the wall in a space allows for more light to bounce around the room. This creates a brighter and seemingly bigger room. Similarly with [...]

March 2023

Team Culture: Why it Matters and How We Cultivate it

By |2023-06-21T15:38:33+10:00March 15th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Life in Real Estate|

Ever heard the saying, "teamwork makes the dream work"? Well here at Foxy, team culture is the most important part of the business! In this article I’m going to talk about why that is, and how we foster a strong team culture at Foxy. Recruiting the Right Fit For us, first and foremost it’s about who we have on board. We’re spending every day together, so making sure we have people who are positive, fun to be around and can smile through tough times is important. Obviously, this comes down to [...]

October 2022

15 Questions With Russ | Meet Our Foxy Removalists

By |2022-10-14T11:16:59+10:00October 14th, 2022|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Life in Real Estate, The Real Estate Life|

Meet Russ! This week on the blog we’re bringing you the first instalment in our new “15 Questions With…” series. Much like our Stylist Spotlight series, the aim of these blogs is to introduce you to our removalists here at Foxy who make up our logistics team. First up, we’re introducing you to Russ.  As one of the very first employees Jake and Phoebe brought on, Russ is a long-term and very valued member of the team. He’s our resident breakfast chef on team meeting days, is always willing to give everyone a hand, and [...]


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