September 2021

How Much Does Home Staging Cost?

By |2024-07-10T11:33:40+10:00September 29th, 2021|Home Staging General Interest|

If you are thinking about putting your home on the market, chances are you have come across the concept of “home staging “ one way or another. You may be asking yourself – is it really necessary to get my home styled? Do I even have the right type of house for it? And above all else… Is staging a house for sale worth it? It’s perfectly normal to have these questions, and we are here to answer all of them. But just before we get into the nitty-gritty of the costs of home-staging, we need to make one [...]

August 2021

Should I Stage My Home in a Booming Real Estate Market?

By |2021-08-06T18:43:07+10:00August 6th, 2021|Home Staging General Interest|

Record low interest rates, government incentives and money saved instead of spent on international holidays are all reasons why the Australian real estate market reached its absolute peak in 2021. If you are thinking about selling your home now, chances are you have already asked yourself this question: “If everything is selling so quickly, why would I even need to stage my home?”   And that’s a very fair question. As professional Home-Stagers, we’ve been observing the Brisbane housing prices for the last four years. When the market started rising, we’ve seen lots of anecdotal evidence pointing [...]

March 2021

Foxy First Class | All You Need to Know

By |2021-03-23T16:21:10+10:00March 23rd, 2021|Home Staging General Interest|

Aaaand the secret is finally out, whew! To give you a glance behind the scenes, we’ve spent the last few months preparing and perfecting something very special, something we knew would shake up the Brisbane Real Estate market and help even more people with selling their home. We’ve been keeping this pretty low-key, until none of us could think of any other ways to make it even better than it already is. And thus… Foxy First Class was introduced to the world! What is Foxy First Class? It’s our premium home-staging package offering a [...]

October 2020

Top 5 Home Staging Myths BUSTED

By |2020-10-13T12:18:26+10:00October 13th, 2020|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Selling Your Home|

Happy International Sceptics Day! We couldn’t have asked for a better occasion to tackle this topic head on and clear some industry misconceptions once and for all. Don’t get us wrong, we have nothing against healthy scepticism as such (keyword: ‘healthy’). In fact, it is completely normal to be a little cynical at first, especially when you are facing a brand-new concept. But similar to the legal principle ‘guilty until proven innocent’, we like to think of sceptics as ‘doubtful until proven otherwise’. Let’s get straight into some of the most common misbeliefs about Home Staging. 1. [...]

March 2020

COVID-19 and the Brisbane Property Market

By |2020-03-18T12:39:35+10:00March 18th, 2020|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Selling Your Home|

The world has gone a bit crazy, and for those of us in small business world there’s going to be a period of uncertainty. So here are some of the collective thoughts and opinions from real estate professionals about market conditions.  At this stage we haven’t seen any significant impact on the property market. Properties are still selling, and despite all the uncertainty around COVID-19, we still saw a relatively strong weekend in the Brisbane property market with 58 auctions and a prelim clearance rate of 52%. Some vendors have considered delaying their sale until they know more, [...]

February 2020

Choosing the right Real Estate Agent – Statistics from a Home Stagers Point of View

By |2020-02-21T13:16:55+10:00February 21st, 2020|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Selling Your Home|

When it comes to dealing with real estate agents, most people will only go through the process of selling their home a handful of times in their life. Choosing the right agent can be a daunting task, but the difference between a good agent and a bad agent can be tens of thousands of dollars. There are many factors to consider when choosing the right agent. Do they know the local market, are they a great communicator, do they have a great reputation, what commission do they charge? I’m going to throw one more factor into the mix [...]

Ditch the Pretty Talk

By |2020-02-19T09:47:27+10:00February 19th, 2020|Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Selling Your Home|

There is a lot of misunderstanding about what the purpose of home staging is, and unfortunately, most of that misunderstanding seems to come from INSIDE the industry. Home Stagers don’t seem to understand what their business is. To borrow a term from Melissa Marro of Rave Home Staging, most stagers use “pretty talk” when describing and marketing their service. Spend five minutes scrolling through the social media pages of any home staging company and you’ll find that the focus is almost entirely on showing pretty rooms in magazine-style photos. Don’t get me wrong, those ‘pretty’ photos are absolutely critical – the [...]

July 2018

How to Style A Master Bedroom Worthy of Attention

By |2019-02-12T16:42:59+10:00July 10th, 2018|Furniture Inspiration, Home Improvements, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Selling Your Home, Styling Furniture|

Today I thought we could talk about bedrooms. Not the kids rooms, the guest rooms or that small bedroom but let’s talk about the big old Master Bedroom. You’d think that as a stylist, the master bedroom in my own home would be dressed to the nines with too many cushions to count, grand bedside lamps and ridiculously expensive linen. Truth be told, the bed is unmade, the lamps are from Bunnings, there’s a dog bed in the corner and while the linen is freshly washed, it’s by no means extravagant. Why am I telling you this? Well, [...]

June 2018

Why Partial Styling is Taking Over

By |2019-02-12T16:43:00+10:00June 26th, 2018|Furniture Inspiration, Home Improvements, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Selling Your Home, Styling Furniture|

Here at Foxy Home Staging we love a challenge. Most stylists don't bother with partial styling, its all or nothing. However, we love using our stock and pairing it with our clients most loved items.    What is Partial Styling? A 'partial' is when we come into your home and make use of as many of your existing items as we can and pair them with our own inventory. A partial usually includes removing items, brining in new items and refreshing the layout of a room. What stays and what goes? More often than not we find our [...]

Our Top 5 Styling Displays so Far

By |2019-02-12T16:43:00+10:00June 19th, 2018|DIY, Furniture Inspiration, Home Improvements, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Styling Furniture|

As the middle of the year is quickly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to revisit some of our favourite displays of 2018 so far. We have been very busy this year and have been able to create some beautiful spaces. If you are looking to redesign a space in your home check out the below for some inspiration. For more inspo, feel free to visit our Instagram (Foxyhomestaging & cassie.foxyhomestaging).    Rochedale South A beautiful home in Rochedale South set apart from the others with modern styling. Tip: Greenery can liven up any space, [...]


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