This week I’m introducing you to another one of our removalists. Much like the stylist spotlight, the goal of this series is for you to get to know the Foxy team. So let’s say hi to Fletcher!
Meet Fletcher!
Fletcher is a Foxy removalist who’s been a part of the team since we were quite small. He’s an integral part of the business, and is part of the leadership team here. He tells it how it is, and he’s always up for a laugh. Let’s get into 15 questions with Fletcher.

1. How long have you been at Foxy and what did you do before starting here?
Fletcher: I’ve been here just over two years now, before that I was working for a delivery company.
2. What do you remember about your beginnings at Foxy?
Fletcher: Beginning here was a pretty easy transition, cause I knew Russ and Cam from football, so I already got along with the team really well.
Clare: It must have been a pretty small team at that point right?
Fletcher: Yeah, it was a small team. They got me on board just as they got the second truck, so it was 4 of us including Jake, out on the trucks everyday and I think there were just 4 stylists as well.
3. What’s the best and worst part of being a removalist at Foxy?
Fletcher: The best part is just working with a team that gets along so well, so it’s just like a big family and we have fun everyday. And the worst part … *struggles to think of something*
Clare: What about crappy access?
Fletcher: Oh yeah, apartment jobs in the city can be challenging with access and parking.

4. What’s your favourite style?
Fletcher: I’ve got no idea… I guess I like more of an industrial look.
5. What kind of music do you like to listen to in the truck?
Fletcher: I listen to most types of music, but more often you’ll hear me listening to a bit of RNB, hip hop or a bit of pop punk.
6. Which removalist is the best singer?
Fletcher: Me, hands down.
7. Have you ever fallen asleep on the truck (as a passenger… don’t worry!)?
Fletcher: Never! I’m always there to give company to the driver.
8. What is your favourite piece of furniture and why?
Fletcher: I don’t know… Anything light to carry I guess.
9. What is your least favourite piece of furniture and why?
Fletcher: My least favourite piece has to be the BFG, which is the heaviest and biggest buffet we own.

10. What has been your biggest fail?
Fletcher: Umm… I’ve fallen down some stairs but at least I haven’t dropped anything.
Clare: Wow, not dropping anything is pretty impressive!
Fletcher: Actually, my biggest fail was listening to Cam when he told me the top of the coffee table doesn’t come apart, so we can just flip it on its side. Then when I flipped it the top fell straight off.
11. What’s your biggest win?
Fletcher: Progressing my way through the company and being in a leadership role now.
12. What is your funniest moment?
Fletcher: It wasn’t funny when it happened, but it’s funny now to look back on. Russ and I always joke about when he sliced his ankle open from dropping a coffee table on it. I had to put pressure on it while we waited for the ambulance, and he was in so much pain.
Russ talks about this experience in the previous instalment of this series. Read it here!
13. What’s your favourite servo snack?
Fletcher: *Thinks really hard about it* Pretty plain and simple, probably a pie or a sausage roll.
14. After work I spend my time…
Fletcher: Mainly relaxing, or taking my partner and I’s dog for a walk.
15. I spend my weekends…
Fletcher: Most of the time I’ll be out on my mountain bike riding, spending time with my family, my partner and my dog.

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