March 2023

The Ultimate Home Staging Warehouse Guide

By |2023-03-30T13:50:36+10:00March 30th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging Tips, Life in Real Estate|

Today we’re going to look at how we organise and store all our stock and accessories in the Foxy warehouse. The goal with storage is to make the selection (and packing) process as simple and efficient as possible. This helps the team maximise output (more jobs). From accessories to sofas, to art, there’s a thought process behind it all. Let’s dig into the warehouse guide! Warehouse Size We put a lot of thought behind warehouse storage. It’s all in relation to where the trucks get loaded, and where the stylists [...]

7 Home Staging Tips: When Things Don’t Go to Plan

By |2023-03-23T11:12:06+10:00March 23rd, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging Tips|

If you’re in the business of home staging you might on the odd occasion find yourself in a sticky situation. Maybe you’re at a job and find yourself with the wrong sized sheet, or you’ve rubbed up against a wall in your black jeans. Read along for some home staging tips and tools we use to solve these little problems and maximise efficiency! Spray the Linen Wrinkles in sheets and bedding are the plight of a home stager. It’s the difference between a sleek, perfected finish or a dishevelled and [...]

Team Culture: Why it Matters and How We Cultivate it

By |2023-06-21T15:38:33+10:00March 15th, 2023|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Life in Real Estate|

Ever heard the saying, "teamwork makes the dream work"? Well here at Foxy, team culture is the most important part of the business! In this article I’m going to talk about why that is, and how we foster a strong team culture at Foxy. Recruiting the Right Fit For us, first and foremost it’s about who we have on board. We’re spending every day together, so making sure we have people who are positive, fun to be around and can smile through tough times is important. Obviously, this comes down to [...]


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