July 2021

15 Styling Ideas for the Awkward Empty Spaces in Your Home

By |2021-07-07T17:32:08+10:00July 7th, 2021|Home Staging Tips|

Whether your home is small or large, new or old, the awkward empty spaces can be found everywhere. You know exactly what we’re talking about - that one empty corner in the room, the odd-shaped nook, or even the bare space underneath the stairs. Not sure what to do with these spots? Don’t worry, you are not the only one. As Home Stagers, we face this challenge every day. Sometimes, we don’t even get to see the house before we style it, which means our selections of furniture & [...]

November 2020

How to Style a Room with Brick Walls

By |2021-04-08T08:30:44+10:00November 6th, 2020|Think Outside The Fox|

Introducing BRAND NEW Blog Series - Think Outside The Fox! We have been getting lots of messages from other Home Stagers & Property Stylists, asking for help with "tricky" styling situations. When the same questions started to come up more and more often, we got an idea. A few weeks later, Think Outside The Fox was born! We're starting this blog series in hope to help as many fellow industry colleagues, as possible. Episode 1: How to Style a Room with Brick Walls "Hey guys! I've agreed to stage a house (sight unseen), only to realise there is not [...]


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