How To Prepare For Spring – The Busiest Time Of Year For A Home Staging Company

By |2022-08-18T08:32:49+10:00August 9th, 2022|Behind The Scenes, Business of Staging, Home Staging General Interest, Home Staging Tips, Life in Real Estate, The Real Estate Life|

The days are about to start getting longer and the weather warmer which can only mean one thing… spring is just around the corner and we are about to get busy (or should I say busier!). As the sun shines a little brighter, the grass gets a little greener and the flowers start to bloom, people will soon be more inclined to get out and about - the ideal situation for those wanting to sell their home because, as Phoebe puts it, “everything is shinier in spring”! This increased interest homeowners show in selling their home as the weather [...]