April 2017

How To Use A Bright Colour Palette When Staging Your Home

By |2019-02-12T16:43:08+10:00April 3rd, 2017|Colour Inspiration, Home Staging Tips, Uncategorized|

By now, we all know that the purpose of home staging is to revamp or rejig your home, so that it appeals to as many people as possible come open day. I have shown you ways to brighten your home, how to freshen and declutter your home, as well as how to modernise your decor. Today, however, I am being a little naughty. I am going to buck the trend, go a little wayward and dare to be different. When you google paint or interior colours for home staging, you will find a neutral, and sometimes drab, colour palette on [...]

December 2016

Why Me, Why Home Staging And Why Now?

By |2019-02-12T16:43:20+10:00December 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|

Hello! I’m so happy to have you here, reading my very first blog post! I thought that a great way to break the ice would be for me to introduce myself and share with you the reasons that I started Foxy Home Staging. Who am I? My name is Phoebe. I married my partner in crime and best friend, Jake, in 2012 and we are the parents of two beautiful boys, two gorgeous dogs and a whingy cat.  We moved to Brisbane, Queensland, in 2005, looking for greener pastures, where Jake worked as a [...]


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